需要到退錢或者退貨一定唔會係開心事,但係我哋打咗咁耐工,見盡無數西客,實在唔希望自己都畀人標籤做西客,與其complaint complaint complaint,不如formal啲send一封要求退錢或退貨嘅信,最緊要都係快快手搞掂,盡量減少不愉快經驗。

Sample 1
I am delighted with the [Tottenham jersey and short], but the [jacket] does not suit me at all.
I am returning it unworn, along with your statement, and would appreciate your crediting the $560 price of the [jacket] to the credit card I paid with originally.
Thank you.
Sample 2
This is to bring to your kind attention that we have recently cancelled our order regarding the purchase of [LED lights] from your store. We have already made the payment in advance and now would appreciate if you could arrange for a refund of the same. The payment has been made via Visa and the order number is [A123456].
I would be very grateful to you if you could do the needful at the earliest as it is more than two months that we have not received our payment back. I would be obliged if you look into the matter personally and arrange my refund at the earliest.
Sample 3
I want to bring to your kind attention that we have purchased [an coffee machine] from your store two weeks back, and was disappointed with its performance. It didn’t even work for a single day.
We have written a request letter for the refund, but we have not got any response. It was a complete dissatisfaction for us. We have made the payment through credit card and the order no. [A123456] dated [1st May]. I would be very thankful to you if you could look into the matter as to why this delay has happened and provide our refund at the earliest.
Your promptness in this regard will be highly appreciated.