好多公司都唔會自動自覺出reference letter畀離職員工,拖半個月或者半年嘅例子比比皆是,建議大家出一封letter去要求對方發信,下次追起上嚟有晒日期同record,搞到對方無地自容都唔錯。

Sample 1
Dear [Ryan],
I am in need of a letter of recommendation, and I would really appreciate your help. As you are well-liked and respected, both within the business and the community, I feel that a letter from you would make a significant impact.
In addition, you know me personally and familiar with my skills, experience, and work ethic. You are, therefore, in a key position to write a thorough and honest letter of recommendation for me, and I ask you to please consider my request. It is very important that I have a strong letter of recommendation, and I am confident that you are the right person to provide it.
Please feel free to contact me for any additional information at your convenience.
Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
Sample 2
Dear [Mr. Wong],
I am reaching out to ask you to provide me a reference for a new opportunity I am seeking with garment industry. Of course, I completely understand if you are unable to commit to this. Please just let me know as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or need any further information, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Best Regards,
Sample 3 (提供對方資料畀新公司做reference check)
Dear [Amy],
I hope you are well. I would appreciate your assistance with my job search.
With your permission, I would like to use you as a reference who can speak to my qualifications, skills, and abilities. Of course, I would advise you when I have given out your name and contact information, so you will know when to expect a call. Please let me know if you would be comfortable providing a reference for me.
Advice and suggestions on the best way to conduct my job search would also be appreciated. If you are aware of any job openings that I might be qualified for, I would be grateful if you shared this information with me.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.