
唔係講笑,好多求職者上嚟見工填application form嘅時候,上幾份工嘅「離職原因」一欄都係填:「辭職」。


至於face to face interveiw嗰陣向對方解釋得幾深入,咁就由你話事喇!


Career Change

  • I am leaving because I want to make a career change from my current industry to a different one.
  • I feel like I’ve developed as much as I can in my current role and am now seeking new opportunities for career growth.
  • I am ready to explore a new trajectory on my career path.
  • Although I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to work for you, I’ve been offered my dream job by another company.
  • I decided to go back to school for my master’s degree.

Organizational Restructuring

  • Changes at my company have proven to be difficult to navigate; my team’s overall morale and productivity have declined, and so I think it’s time to explore new options.
  • Company cutbacks have meant that I’m working with a team a third of its original size.
  • My company downsized, which meant, because of my lack of seniority, that I was one of the employees they terminated.
  • My company was restructured and my department was eliminated.
  • The company I worked for went out of business.
  • My last job was outsourced to India.
  • I and several other employees were laid off after an economic downturn.

Family Circumstances/Health Reasons

  • Family illness required that I give up my job in order to become a primary caregiver.
  • I had to leave my employer because of family reasons.
  • My previous job didn’t allow the flexible schedule I needed to care for my children.
  • I’m getting married and will be moving out of state.
  • I had to leave for temporary health reasons which are now resolved.
  • I left my previous job because I was pregnant.
  • I won’t be returning to work after maternity leave because I’ve decided parenting is a full-time job.
  • I need to leave because of personal circumstances/problems.

Better Opportunity

  • I’ve been offered a great opportunity to work for a company located closer to my family.
  • My hours were reduced and I need a full-time job.
  • My last job really wasn’t a good fit.
  • Your company has such a good reputation and offers such wonderful opportunities that I’d leave my current employer in a heartbeat.
  • I landed a higher paying job.
  • I’m leaving the workforce/retiring.
  • There were limited growth opportunities at my former company.
  • The commute to work was too long.
  • I’m looking for a new challenge.
  • I would be happier with a job that offered me more responsibility.
  • I’ve been offered a permanent position.
  • I’m relocating to the opposite coast.
  • I’m ready for early retirement.
  • My previous job was only seasonal/temporary and now I am looking for full-time work.
  • I have plans to travel for the foreseeable future.