過完除夕同元旦,話咁快又要返工喇(cry),嚟緊你將會收到大量Email或者WhatsApp係用Happy New Year做結尾,當然你可以簡單回返句Happy New Year就算啦,但可能有啲client、工作夥伴,甚至係幫過手嘅人,你會想花少少心思打個New Year Wishes,又或者一封Email裡面cc咗好多人,覆完一個,又要覆第二個第三個,唔想咁行貨全部都Happy New Year,以下有一大堆選擇畀你用嚟覆Email、Inbox、WhatsApp,或者係其他通訊工具嘅message。
• New adventures are around the corner. Happy New Year!
• Wish you a joyous and prosperous new year!
• May the new year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.
• Out with the old, in with the new! Happy New Year!
• Here’s hoping you make the most of 2021!
• May the new year bring you peace, joy, and happiness.
• Let your dreams take flight in the new year!
• Happy new year to all! May every wish of yours get fulfilled in the upcoming year.
• Praying that you have a truly remarkable and blissful year ahead! Happy new year to you and your family!
• Happy New Year to you! May the upcoming year bring you holy blessings and peace!
• I wish you and your beautiful family a very happy and prosperous new year. Stay safe and beat the Pandemic with new energy.
• Happy New Year to you and your family! Wishing you 365 days of good luck!
• Wishing you all a blissful new year. Hope that joy and success follow you in every sector of life.
• I wish you a very Happy New Year. Hope you have a great time ahead.Happy new year to all! May every wish of yours get fulfilled in the upcoming year.
- • Doing business with you has always been our greatest pleasure. Wishing our valued customer a joyful new year!
- • We are always thankful to you for choosing us, for trusting us and for giving us the opportunity to serve you. Happy new year to you and your family!
- • It is very hard to be a businessman, but somehow you make it look so easy. May the next year be full of success and good deals. Happy New Year!
- • It is a pleasure doing business with you, thank you for all the trust and work on us, we are looking forward to a new year filled with plenty of work and opportunities from you, once again wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New year!
- • I hope that the New Year will be great for you regarding your projects and businesses would last forever. Happy New Year!
- • We appreciate the time and money you spend on us. Looking forward to having many more years of dealing with you. Happy new year!
- • Wishing you prosperity, good health and luck in the coming years. Thank you for staying with us all these years. Happy new year!
- • We value your time and money more than anyone else. Years will come and go but we will always remain committed to provide you with the best. Happy new year!
- • It’s our pleasure to have a client like you. Your suggestions and recommendations are what make us better every day. Happy new year!
- • We are very happy to have clients like you. You are warm and a pleasure to deal with. We wish you a Happy New Year as cheerful as you.
👉老闆同員工講Happy New Year
- • I take this opportunity to thank all of you for the great contributions made this year. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.
- • Thank you for all the incredible work you do. Employer and employee, we work great together us two. Wishing you the very best before this old year is through. And may all of your dreams and aspirations come true.
- • You turned every challenge into an opportunity this year. May impossible be possible for you next year. Happy New Year.
- • Welcome responsibilities as it will bring in more chances of being successful and prosperous in this New Year.
- • May the holiday spirit be with you and your family today and throughout the New Year.
- • The new year is upon us. This provides an opportunity to look at the successes of the past year back and set new goals for the future. We are pleased to strive those goals with you.
- • Thank you for being someone that I can count on. You do a great job for our team. Thank you so much for your dedication. Happy New Year!
- • Just saying thank you for going. The extra mile here at the office. Your hard work is greatly appreciated. Happy New Year 2021!
👉仲有更多選擇去表達Happy New Year
- • Happy New Year to the person who made this year better by being in it.
- • May you find great success and happiness in this new year. Happy New Year 2021 to you and your loved ones.
- • Every winter brings the promise of spring in a new year full of opportunities.
- • I hope 2021 brings you good health, happiness and lots of food!
- • Cheers to a new year!
- • Here’s to another year of laughing without reason and making beautiful memories. Happy New Year 2021!
- • Sending good vibes your way this new year’s day!
- • May the new year be filled with brightness and hope so that darkness and sadness stay away from you. Happy New Year!
- • Happy New Year. Here is a wish for the New Year from someone who is adorable, handsome, and intelligent and wants to see you smiling always.
- • May this New Year bring actual change in you, not a recurrence of old habits in a new package.
- • May you grow like wine, old but only better with time!
- • Every year brings with it new opportunities to mould yourself into what you want to be.
- • Life is the most interesting thing that will ever happen to you. Celebrate every day to the fullest!
- • May you paint the blank canvas of this year with bright and happy colours!
- • Cheers to health, happiness, and prosperity in 2021!
- • Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year!
- • New Year is the time to start a new chapter of life. Happy New Year 2021!
- • Have a wonderful New Year surrounded by all your loved ones!
- • May you fill your New Year with new adventures, accomplishments, and learnings!
- • May your New Year bring you reasons to smile!
- • May the New Year 2021 bring you more love, happiness, and blessings!
- • May all sorrows are washed away by God and you get showered with the best blessings!
- • May Lord shower you with blessings as we enter into the New Year 2021!
- • Happy New Year. Here’s to having a fresh start at binge eating, boozing, and slacking off.
- • To a New Year full of new possibilities, even though I’m sure we’ll just do the same old stuff anyway.
- • Happy New Year and good luck in the next year! We’ll both need it!
- • May your teeth are white, your eyes are bright, and your capacity for love at its height!
- • Wishing you a year full of blessing and filled with a new adventure. Happy new year 2021!
- • Wishing you all a blissful new year. Hope that joy and success follow you in every sector of life.
- • Each year I spend with you is the best one yet! Here’s to making more memories in 2021.
- • New Year’s Day is the first page in a blank book: Write a phenomenal story!
- • New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits, and new are my warm wishes just for you. Have a promising and fulfilling New Year!
- • In a challenging year, you stood by me like a rock I hope I can do the same for you in 2021 Happy New Year!
- • As this year ends, I count my blessings and wish you more. Happy New Year, my dearest friend.
- • Here’s to another year of laughing without reason and making beautiful memories. Happy New Year 2021!