常見Interview問題 Why Do You Want to Work Here?

以上嘅interview question經常出現,有人答得好好,好過出面嘅教材式model answer,但亦會有人覺得不知所措,講到好想入嚟做又太假,講到冇乜所謂又太hea,以下有啲要點畀大家參考,下次見工前可以先做好準備,另外亦有標準答案提供,不過最重要始終係臨場執生。

以下內容如果想睇純英文版本,歡迎去辦公室日報嘅LinkedIn 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/company/office-daily/

Why Do You Want to Work Here? Why Do You Want to Work For This Company?



• Admiration of other company initiatives (for example :social media campaign, training programs…etc)
• Admiration of products/services
• Company culture
• Company reputation
• Company growth
• Key leaders


間公司賣product定係賣service都要搞清楚,LV Gucci咪主力賣product囉,辦公室日報呢啲蚊型公司就係賣service,我哋主力做廣告,唔係一件實物,又或者一間IT公司,佢都未必係賣電腦或零件,可能係賣雲端科技,咁即係賣service. 講開廣告,可以search下嗰間公司有冇做咩宣傳,Hero product係咩?呢期sell緊咩?


Key leaders係公司靈魂,佢嘅理念都好重要,知道你潛在老闆係邊個,佢係一個點樣嘅人,有冇訪問內容講過啲咩,對你了解份工係好有幫助。

以下係一啲〝Why Do You Want to Work Here? 〞或者〝 Why Do You Want to Work For This Company? 〞嘅回應例句:

Before you called me about this opportunity, I must admit that I didn’t know much about your company. I’ve been doing some research in preparation for this discussion, and I need to say that I’m impressed by your work and your vision for the future. I know I can bring a lot of value to the team. 

⭐ 就算之前唔識佢哋公司都唔緊要,最重要係畀對方知道,你上嚟interview之前真係有做功課,而且research完後亦覺得適合自己,有時坦白係會加分㗎!

I think my biggest priority right now in my job search is to continue building my business development skills. I reviewed the job description and saw this is mentioned a lot, so I thought the position seems like not only a good fit for what I want, but a role where my skill set would be well-used and needed.

⭐ 已經清楚解釋咗點解你想入嚟做,因為公司發展前景同你追求嘅方向一致,而且令對方focus返你嘅skillset好適合公司。

I read your company’s mission and vision. After finding out more information about your company from social media, I can clearly see how my goals align with the purposes of the company. I would love to be a part of this innovative team and use my skills to continue the groundbreaking work you are doing here.

⭐ 直接稱讚呢間公司嘅產品同服務,當然係有point嗰隻啦,呢樣點都會加分,一來夠了解佢哋,二來站於老闆角度,佢都希望請一個欣賞公司產品同服務嘅員工㗎嘛!
