好多做part time或者internship嘅朋友仔,因為表現得好出色,甚至同公司同事關係keep得好好,到將來正式畢業嘅時候,都會被之前間公司叫返去做full time,以前做傳媒嗰行就最常見,所以當你要quit呢類短期工作,不妨整返封得體嘅辭職信,留條後路畀自己。
Part Time
Dear [Manager’s Name],
I want to thank you for everything I’ve learned while working at [David Beckham Company]. I truly appreciated the opportunity to learn hands-on skills in your department.
However, I wanted to let you know that I have secured a full-time position. My last day of work will be [August 20, 2020]. I hope this notice will give you time to line up a replacement, as well as get the team through the busy period. Please let me know if I can be of assistance with training.
Thanks again for a wonderful year, and for all that you and the team have taught me.
Dear [Manager’s Name],
I want to thank you for selecting me as your intern candidate. I know many people were vying for the position and I was pleased that I was selected, my time with the company has been fruitful and exciting.
I can certainly understand why your many high-profile clients are so interested in retaining your services. You deliver results, and you do it in a professional and friendly manner. The intern role provided me with a lot of great experiences because I got to see first-hand how industry experts handle clients and deliver results.
Thank you again. I wish you and everyone at [Company Name] nothing but continued success.
Best regards,