請產假 Maternity leave

Sample 1

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr. Wong[Manager’s Name],

This letter is to inform you that I am pregnant and plan to take maternity leave. My due date is 7 Dec [預產日] and I plan to start my leave on 9 Nov [幾時開始放產假]. I plan to take 10 weeks of maternity leave, and I would be able to return back to work on 4 Jan [幾時番工].

While I’m on maternity leave, please contact me at [abc@email.com] or [0000-0000]. Please let me know if there are any forms you require from me before I go on maternity leave. Thank you in advance for allowing me to take this time away so that I can physically recover and care for my new baby.

Kindest regards,

Sample 2

Subject: Request for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr. Wong [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to let you know that I’m pregnant and that my baby is due 7 Dec [預產日]. I have enclosed my certificate which confirms my due date.

I would like to start my maternity leave on 9 Nov [幾時開始放產假].

Please let me know if you require any information. I look forward to hearing from you to confirm these details.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
