
會都唔去開或者遲大到就真係要打pat pat,不過打完pat pat都係要道歉既,你click得入嚟呢版,我估你都好趕住要個email sample救命,唔阻你喇,快啲copy完改下日子就好send喇。

Sample 1

I am sorry I missed our appointment yesterday. I had been looking forward to our meeting today, but when I rechecked my calendar I discovered that the meeting was, in fact, scheduled for yesterday.

I realize how busy you are and that your time is valuable, but I hope this oversight will not prevent us from rescheduling our appointment. Meeting with you means a great deal to me, and I assure you, this will not happen again.

Sample 2

I apologize for coming late to the division meeting this morning. One of my staff came to my office with a serious personal problem and I had to make a choice. I stayed to talk with him. I realize that I missed an opportunity to give my report.

I hope I can still give it in our next meeting. I know it must be frustrating for you to not have my information at the outset. I fully support the division’s initiatives and want to do my best to contribute to them.

Sample 3

Please forgive me for missing our Wednesday appointment. I realize that you had to rearrange your schedule only to be frustrated. Ever since we agreed to hold the meeting, I have looked forward to exchanging ideas and deciding on a plan of action. Somehow, I thought the meeting was at 10 a.m. so I spent the time in my office preparing a presentation.

From now on, I will check my calendar first thing in the morning. Can we reschedule? I am still very interested in meeting with you. And again, please forgive my temporary absent-mindedness.

Sample 4

I am very sorry for missing this important meeting. Please accept my sincere apology. I look forward to setting another date where we can meet and discuss the same issue that is now pending. Because of the inconvenience I may have caused you, I wish to set a date that is convenient with your schedule.
