
Invoice, quotation,或者係其他文件出錯,大家都唔想既,最重要係快快脆脆搞掂,以免啲重要工作延誤,更甚係收唔到錢,導致金錢方面有損失,白紙黑字講清楚兼有record係好事。

Sample 1

Thank you for pointing out the error in your March electricity bill. We sent someone out to double-check the meter reading and you were perfectly right. The first reading was incorrect. The amount you should have been billed was $108.5 (正確數目). Please send your check for that amount along with the original bill. There is no need to explain the discrepancy as our records have already been corrected.

I apologize for the inconvenience our error has caused you.

Sample 2

Thank you for pointing out the error in the supplies invoice. It appears that a typist transposed two numbers. I am canceling that invoice and am sending you a new one with the correct amount. Don’t worry about sending payment until you receive the corrected invoice. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Sample 3

After you informed us of an error on your April bill, we investigated the matter and admit the mistake was ours. Until our new automated system is online, we are still subject to the frailties of human error. Rest assured that your account has been credited as you will see on your next bill.

Thank you for your help in rectifying this matter. We apologize and look forward to serving you in the future.
